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All you need to know about [Artificial Intelligence]

#Attificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence or Machine Intelligence is the intelligence exhibited by machines and computer rater than human.
  In computer science the field of AI research defines itself as the study of Intelligence Agent: any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of success at some goal. Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is applied when a machine mimics "cognitive" functions that humans associate with other human mind such as "learning" and "problem solving".

The scope of AI is disputed: as machines become increasingly capable, task considered as requiring "intelligence" are often removed from the definition, a phenomenon known as the AI Effect leading to the quip "AI is whatever hasn't been done yet. For instance, optical character recognition is frequently excluded from "artificial intelligence", having become a routine technology. Capabilities generally classified as AI, as of 2017, include successfully understanding human speech competing at a high level in strategic game systems (such as chess and Go), autonomous cars, intelligent routing in content delivery networks, military simulations, and interpreting complex data.
AI research is divided into subfields[7] that focus on specific problemsapproaches, the use of a particular tool, or towards satisfying particular applications.
The central problems (or goals) of AI research include reasoningknowledgeplanninglearningnatural language processing(communication), perception and the ability to move and manipulate objects.[8] General intelligence is among the field's long-term goals.[9] Approaches include statistical methodscomputational intelligence, and traditional symbolic AI. Many tools are used in AI, including versions of search and mathematical optimizationlogicmethods based on probability and economics. The AI field draws upon computer sciencemathematicspsychologylinguisticsphilosophyneuroscienceartificial psychology and many others.
AI Effects
The AI effect occurs when onlookers discount the behavior of an artificial intelligence program by arguing that it is not real intelligence.


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